(1990) Karl Malone Scores 61 Points on 26 Shots After Hearing AC Green Was Going To Start In The All-Star Game

On this day in history, January 27th of 1990, the Mailman delivered a career-high of 61 points against the Bucks and the Bucks can blame basketball fans for it.


All-Star voters loved the Showtime Lakers so much, they voted AC Green into the starting lineup of the 1990 NBA All-Star game. The league's 2nd best scorer was so bitter about the snub, he said he was going to boycott the game.

"I can go to Miami, or I can go fishing in Louisiana. Right now, fishing in Louisiana sounds pretty good to me," Malone said when asked about the All-Star game.

Malone, the MVP of the previous year's All-Star game, was eventually asked to play and he did show up in Miami, but didn't play "due to an injury." ?An injury he didn't have when he took out his anger on the Bucks after news of the snub.

I'm not sure what's more impressive about his career-high 61, the fact he made 82% of his shots (21 of 26 field goals and 19 of 23 free throws), the fact he only played 33 minutes or that the Jazz scored 144 points in regulation and won by 48.

The numbers are just mind-boggling in this game and maybe the most mind-boggling stat to me is there were not any other "standout" performances. Usually, when a team scores over 130, you will have multiple players with 30+ points. The 2nd highest scorer in this game was Ricky Pierce with just 21 off the bench. You would also think if Malone scored 61 points then league-leader in assists John Stockton probably had at least 20 dimes. Nope, he only had 16...he also only played 26 minutes.

Crazy is the only way I can sum up this game. Almost as crazy as AC Green starting over him in the NBA All-Star game.

And if you were wondering how Green did in the All-Star game, he missed all three of his shots in 12 minutes of action and was the only player in the game to put up a donut.


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