Kevin Durant Reveals His True Height And Why He Lies About It

One of the trending stories in the NBA today is Kevin Durant admitting his real height (seriously!), which is not 6'9 like the NBA, ESPN and Wikipedia websites say. It's 6'11 without shoes and 7'0 when he has his Nike KD kicks on.

Via CSN Bay Area

Speaking to Bob Fitzgerald on KNBR, Durant put fact over fiction when answering the age-old question of how tall he really is. "Since I love you guys so much, I was recorded at 6'10" and three-quarters with no shoes, so with my shoes on I'm 7-feet," Durant finally revealed.

"I just like messin' with people. They just ask me so much... yeah, I just like messin' with people."

If you follow Ballislife, then you know he's actually admitted he's not 6'9 a couple of times.?The topic about his height came up back in June, when he was playing with Team USA and standing side-by-side with 7 footers like DeMarcus Cousins in photos (above). Here's a quote I found from the Wall Street Journal.

“For me, when I’m talking to women, I’m 7 feet.?In basketball circles, I’m 6-9.”

“I’ve always thought it was cool to say I’m a 6-9 small forward,” he said. “Really, that’s the prototypical size for a small forward. Anything taller than that, and they’ll start saying, ‘Ah, he’s a power forward.’ ”

Earlier last season, he also had this to say about a game-saving block on Chris Paul.

“He’s 6 feet tall?and I’m 6-11.”

Well, there you have it.

How Tall Was KD in High School?

According to Bio, Durant grew 7 inches during his first 3 years of high school before hitting 6’9 as a senior. In April of 2006, the New York Times wrote an article about Durant at the end of his senior year and listed the 17 year old at 6’10.

A couple of NBA draft sites and scouts also had the long-looking Longhorn listed at 6’10 before the NBA draft, where he was picked 2nd behind the 7?foot bust Greg Oden.