Luke Walton Jokingly Said He Subbed Lonzo Ball Early Because LaVar Was Talking $hit

Players in this post:
Luke Walton Lonzo Ball Rick Carlisle

The Lakers not only ended their 9-game losing streak on Sunday, they tied the franchise record of 42 fast break points (set in 2001) while blowing out the Atlanta Hawks 132-113!

The game was the first time the Lakers have played since ESPN published an interview with LaVar Ball saying, "Luke doesn't have control of the team no more...they don't want to play for him."

After the convincing win that saw eight Lakers score in double-figures, Walton jokingly told reporters he pulled Lonzo early because "his Dad was talking shit."

Lonzo finished the game with an impressive 13 points, 10 boards and 6 assists in just 30 minutes of his second game back from an injury.


Unlike nonchalant Luke, Dallas Mavs coach Rick Carlisle didn't take the latest comments from LaVar and ESPN giving him a platform to rip Luke so lightly.

"As president of the coaches association, I view the recent ESPN article as a disgrace, quite honestly," Said Carlisle on Sunday. "Luke Walton is a terrific, young coach who is bringing along a young team, and it's a difficult task. If you don't believe it, just ask me. We're going through that now and went through that last year.

"ESPN is a partner, an NBA partner and they’ve been a great one. But part of that partnership is that...the coaches do a lot of things to help them with access, interviews, all those kinds of things. And in exchange for that they should back up the coaches. Printing an article where the father of an NBA player has an opinion that is printed as anything legitimate erodes trust."

Another person who seems to be taking LaVar's nonsense a little too seriously is Dick Vitale. Here's the Twitter rant by the legendary basketball commentator.

Y do we chase LaVar Ball? R we that desperate for 1 of his absurd statements? Gr8 teacher & role model / if u don’t like a situation just QUIT take ball & blame everyone / @ LukeWalton has more CLASS & HOOPS knowledge on his pinkie than LaVar!

So pathetic that LaVarBall just rips good ppl ala @Lakers LUKE WALTON /whenever his kids don’t do well / his theory everyone is wrong but me / he is so sad & we give him a forum for his classless comments!

In fairness to Luke Walton his @Lakers talent is w/o winning exp. Said it a long time ago no way would I want to sign LaVar Ball’s sons unless he was a @KingJames talent. LaVar is an nightmare for a team!

LaVar Ball uses the media outlets like a yo yo /he gets what he wants PR baby/we enable him to scream his absurd opinions by providing a forum for him.He totally aggravates me more than any other personality in my 39 yrs because he hurts good ppl.

And here's Lonzo with some much shorter responses to questions about his Dad.