Dennis Rodman says LeBron would be average in the 80s & 90s & goes off on Heat

Often drunk, desperate for attention, delusional, ex Detroit Bad boy and part-time degenerate Dennis Rodman was on the Dan Patrick radio show and had some pretty ridiculous things to say and I mean ridiculous by Rodman in a Wedding Dress and fighting with Van Damme standards.

Here's a snippit of the loonyness from the Celebrity Apprentice

"If Lebron was playing in the late 80's or early 90's, he'd be just an average player."

Rodman compared LeBron to Michael Jordan: "What [Jordan] did [shows] more charisma, he’s more articulate and stuff like that. LeBron is more like … there's no flash to his game. He's a great player, don't get me wrong. He's a helluva player. I'll give him that but Scottie and Michael are one of the best one-two punches I've ever seen, dude."

Rodman commented on how he’d match up with LeBron. "If I was 28 years old guarding Lebron,” Rodman said, “seriously dude. Are you kidding me? If he scored on me, I would be like OK, thanks. Guess what, though. Sooner or later … somebody's gotta win, somebody's gotta lose and most of the time I don't lose."

Rodman compared his Bulls to the current Heat.

"It wouldn't be no contest,” Rodman said. “The Heat has better talent than we had, but we had smarter players. … I would take Bosh out of his damn game, easy. That's not even a problem. How would Dwyane Wade match-up with Scottie Pippen? Really? Scottie Pippen would guard Lebron easy."

I still remember back in 92, Dennis Rodman, playing with the Pistons, was upset at a call and laid on his back and crossed his legs as the game played on. I thought it was a crazy statement but it made me a fan. ?I respected him as a Spur. ?Respected him on the court as a Bull but was annoyed by his off the court persona. ?Hated him by the time he joined the no chemistry Lakers and have been shaking my head at him over the past decade as he made appearances on Tosh.0, straight to DVD films, reality shows, streetball tours and interviews like this.

Go home Dennis, you're drunk and even Kim Jong-Un doesn't want to be your friend anymore.


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