Bone Collector counts the seconds for a defender to recover from a crossover

Players in this post:
Gilbert Arenas Eric Bledsoe


Something happened yesterday in Birmingham Alabama that I never thought was going to happen - the Ballup team lost a game. ?The opposing team coached by Gilbert Arenas and Eric Bledsoe and made up of local ballers came away with a 1 point victory and gave the Ballup team their first loss in the team's 4 years of existence.

Something else happened yesterday in Birmingham Alabama that I have seen plenty of times but rarely as nasty as this instance. ?The Bone Collector crossed a defender so bad (off the screen) that BC looked at his (imaginary) watch and started counting the seconds until the defender made a recovery.

Don't expect to see another loss anytime soon but do expect to see us talking about another ankle breaking move by BC very soon.



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