5'10 JeRamey Golden windmill dunks over a car

I'm not going to use this video as an excuse to put down 6'10 Blake Griffin's contest winning dunk over a car but watching this 5'10 guy named JeRamey Golden throw down a windmill over a car really makes me want to key a Kia.

But as impressive as this guy was, the guy who deserves the title of King of Dunking Over Cars is a guy named Guy Dupuy. ?Here's the Inside the NBA crew talking about Blake and Guy Dupuy doing a between the legs dunk over a car.

Maybe the most memorable dunk over a car for me came during this summer when a guy wearing a "RIP Eric Garner" t-shirt dunked over a police car in Staten Island. The dunk wasn't as impressive as the others, but the moment was more memorable.

Back to JeRamey, I'm looking forward to seeing more dunks from the newcomer on the dunk scene.