Created in 2005 as a brand highlighting basketball players on its platform, Ballislife has grown from a “Mixtape” outlet to respected basketball apparel, media and event management company. In that time, the Southern California-based company has covered nearly every major high school and grassroots basketball event and today produces and shares content frequently featured on top news websites such as the New York Times and television shows such as ESPN’s SportsCenter. Ballislife's social networks are followed by millions of fans and its content has produced over 500 million views on YouTube and another 25 million annually on Its website is home to the respected FAB 50 National Team Rankings (which have been produced since the 1987-88 season) and the company has created and executed events such as the annual Ballislife All-American Game, Ballislife Jr. All-American Camp, and Eastbay Funk Dunk Contest.