U.S. Airman throws down a windmill dunk at Team USA scrimmage and is congratulated by Carmelo Anthony

Ignore those that think this walks the line of being disrespectful to the uniform. I think the Air Force and every one of us should salute Nathaniel Mills and appreciate his air time show at the Team USA scrimmage as much as Carmelo Anthony. ?I've seen NBA players throw down less exciting windmills in the NBA dunk contest and Mills had his full uniform on, didn't stretch, or get any warm-up dunks.

“You should see me without fatigues and without boots,” said Mills to reporters.

Here he is without his fatigues and it's impressive!


You can't talk about dunking and the Air Force without bringing up the 1982 Air Force 1 campaign by Nike with fo, fo, fo Moses Malone, Michael Cooper, Jamaal Wilkes, Bobby Jones, Mychal Thompson and Calvin Nat.

Check out these vintage posters as well as the Moses Air Force 1 commercial.




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