LeBron Jame looks scary skinny after cutting carbs from his diet

Players in this post:
LeBron James

Two images of rappers popped in my head when I saw this pic of a borderline sick looking LeBron James on Instagram. The first was 50 Cent when he lost 54 pounds to do the straight to DVD movie "All Things Fall Apart." ?The other was LL Cool J (before he became a muscle head) in the video "Going Back To Cali." The movie did nothing for 50 Cent except make him hungry and Going Back To Cali only changed hip-hop and made LL Cool J a mainstream music star (no biggie).



So what will this new look lead to for LeBron who was singing Going Back to Cleveland last month? Will he be faster or quicker? Doubt it. Will it makes his knees happier? Maybe.

I was actually more surprised to hear how LeBron ended up looking like this than how he actually looks. ?LeBron went on a no-carbs diet which ?most nutritionists would discourage for athletes. Athletes need carbs and LeBron is arguably the most athletic elite athlete we have in sports right now.

I'm assuming this is just a quick way to get to a specific weight and then he will be singing Going Back to Carbs!




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