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Just 1 day after Anthony Davis had a career game against the Lakers and the NBA sent out a memo to all 30 teams notifying them that no form of bullying or hazing is acceptable, a Vine video of Anthony Davis back in college went viral.

The NSFW Video (bottom of page) was immaturely titled "Anthony Davis GAY #BBN" and shows a nude Anthony Davis on the floor getting spanked. ?AD is laughing throughout the video and is obviously not in any pain and could get up if he wanted to. Now, although he wasn't being "forced" to do anything against his own will, this type of controversial lockeroom behavior could be very offensive to many other players, staff, their family members and supporters of the organizations. ?It can lead to PR nightmares that nobody wants to deal with especially after seeing the coverage of the current?Miami Dolphins controversy and bullying in schools such a hot topic and issue.

As for the NBA, most of the "hazing" we hear about from NBA players is in the playful form of wearing Disney back packs or fetching meals but in the NBA's new memo that is even unacceptable.


The lengthy list of violations, sources said, includes: any physical abuse or threats of violence; verbal abuse focused on an individual's race, nationality, color, gender, age, religion, sexuality, etc.; destruction, defacement or theft of a fellow player's personal property; engaging in any activity that intimidates or threatens fellow players with ostracism or inflicts extreme mental stress, embarrassment, humiliation or shame; and forcing an individual to engage in any activity or perform any task that violates federal, state or local law or NBA rules and regulations.

Also prohibited, sources said, is requiring an individual to unreasonably pay for meals, travel, entertainment expenses, goods or services that are being solely enjoyed by others as well as imposing physical activities on a fellow player — such as exposure to weather, confinement in a restricted area, or consumption of food, liquid or substance — that leads to unreasonable risk for the individual or adversely affects their mental or physical health or safety.

So far UK and Anthony Davis haven't addressed the viral video but it will be more interesting to see how the media and public react to it and the topic of hazing in sports.




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